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Personal Development: Growing Through Your Strengths

Personal Development: Growing Through Your Strengths

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No matter where we are in our careers I believe that a focus on personal development is imperative for one to become the best version of themselves. This is not only important for the person but the cumulative effect it can have on a team or organization is tremendous and should be a top priority everywhere.

In today’s world the number of opportunities coupled with the wisdom of business owners and executives everywhere provide more people with the chance to take a leap into the world of personal development than ever before.

But what does that mean?

Your boss says you can have the resources needed to better yourself, but then what? Like most things, one quick search on Google and you’re immediately overwhelmed with options.You can ask co-workers (and that’s great!) but chances are, they are at a different place on their journey than you are-if they are on the journey at all.

So now what?

If you have been dabbling with the thought of furthering your personal development, here are a few things that I’ve found helpful over the past 5 years.

Find a Mentor

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Ten years ago, I had a friend tell me I should do this. Five years ago, I listened to them. I wish I had listened sooner. Finding a mentor is a strange thing as there needs to be a deeper level of connection for it to thrive, but the effort is worth it. Ultimately, the goal here is to have someone who is qualified and trustworthy to look at you with a set of unbiased eyes.

Take a Personality Test for Yourself

Most folks have taken a personality or communication style test for an employer (which is great) but it’s called “PERSONAL” development. I encourage everyone to find one that they believe in and take it for themselves. Most are under $50, and the ROI is forever. I subscribe and study through the lens of the “Clifton Strengths” through Gallup but encourage you to pick whatever you prefer. 

Side note: Prior to my mentor saying it to me, taking a test for myself never even crossed my mind. I’ve since asked people in my network if they’ve done it or even considered it and can count on one hand how many people said yes. It really is enlightening and more importantly helps set your mind towards using the results for YOU (even though it will benefit everyone around you, including your employer). If you’d like to learn more about Clifton Strengths, you can do so here.

Be intentional with what you read, watch, and listen to.

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Aside from the obvious of “you get out what you put in”, this is as much a mindset of efficiency as anything. There’s only so much time in a day with work, family, hobbies, and other interests. Technology can be your friend here with a little planning. Find Podcasts that align with your area of study and listen to them while driving. Subscribe to social media accounts of those who are experts in your fields of interest and allow notifications when new content gets pushed out. Remember, every company in the world is vying for the same thing-your attention. If you don’t approach this area with clear intent, you will be distracted before you even get started.

Join a group of like-minded individuals who are as committed as you.

Today, I am fortunate to be in the Greater Fort Wayne Leadership class of 2024. This instantly surrounded me with a brilliant and diverse group of people that share many of the same development goals as I do. We don’t graduate until October but having these people in my network has already been a game-changer for me. From motivation to execution to follow-up, this opportunity has provided me a forum to test ideas and gain valuable feedback. I plan on doing a blog post dedicated to my GFW Leadership experience after graduation that will go into more detail but in the meantime, you can learn more about this great organization here.

Be Vulnerable

Ultimately, no matter how supportive your company is with your Personal Development, it still falls on you to determine what areas need focus and what areas are at a point where simple maintenance is sufficient. You know you better than anyone. The question is, can you be vulnerable enough to admit where you are currently struggling? And no, you don’t have to say it to anyone else, but can you admit it to yourself? Easier said than done, certainly.

Take Action

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You’ve spent hours, weeks, or possibly months researching ideas. Odds are that if you’re still reading this, that research hasn’t gotten you where you want to be. I get it, I promise. At some point you just have to hit “go”! Pick up the book, download the podcast, or talk to someone that has already started. Personal development is not easy, quick, or without stress. It requires a commitment, not only from yourself but from your employer, friends, and family. It can be daunting! But you know and I know, you’ll be better off for it-so just take that first small step and see where it goes.

I am always happy to have a conversation about this topic, it’s a passion. If you think I may be able to assist you in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out!