Case Studies
See real life results we've achieved.
How a glass manufacturing plant sticks out in recruitment from the competition to grow and be an employer of choice.
New Hires
Million Plus Impressions
Clicks to the Site to Learn More
Leads Interested in Working for Cardinal

In the past few years, many businesses have been affected by the labor shortage, and Cardinal Glass was not immune to that labor shortage. They approached JH in a situation where they had been forced to turn away sales dollars as a result of not having enough manpower to keep up with production.
Cardinal Glass needed a way to attract qualified workers and stand out from the traditional recruitment methods that their competition have been using (billboards, “Hiring” signage, Sign-On Bonuses, etc.).
Working with JH, a micro-site dedicated to hiring was developed providing prospective employees the opportunity to do their research and learn more about what it is like working at Cardinal Glass. But as Patrick Florea mentions in our Life After Launch video, “'If you build it, they will come' only happens in the movies.”
So, JH created an advocate-based recruitment strategy where Cardinal Glass employees were our biggest advocates and social influencers, sharing why they get out of bed and enjoy working at Cardinal each and every day.

New Hires
Million Plus Impressions
Clicks to the Site to Learn More
Leads Interested in Working for Cardinal
With the initial goal of hiring 30 people in the first year to keep up with production and additional growth goals on the horizon, Cardinal Glass shattered the glass ceiling and hired 125 people.