Showing posts under 'Tech Talk'

John Henry talks about past, promo, culture, and more on skucast
Episode 331: From Promo to Transforming Cultureskucast is the #1 podcast for entrepreneurs in the print and promotional products industry. John Henry was invited to tell his story and talk about JH on skucast.

How Is Your Mobile Site Experience?
I'm issuing you a challenge for your website, are you ready to accept? You'll be glad you gave it a shot.

MOCE vs WooCommerce
A Comparison of PlatformsExploring the differences between a MOCE website and a WooCommerce website.

AI at JH
Leveraging New TechnologyAI is everywhere you turn and our teams are staying on top of the latest technology.

AI Content Creation
Answers to Your Most-Asked QuestionsThere's no doubt about it, AI content creation is the topic of conversation right now. Many people are asking questions, and we've got the answers!

The Changing Landscape of Data Security and Privacy
A Webinar RecapJohn Henry, JH CEO and Owner, along with Justin Molitoris, Barrett McNagny attorney, hosted a webinar on data security and privacy.

Wombat Juice vs Drupal
A Comparison of PlatformsExploring the differences between a Wombat Juice website and a Drupal website.

Tools of the Trade
How we stay connected and get things done at JHThere's an app for that - literally there's an app for everything these days and we use plenty of them!

What Is Wombat Juice?
If you've worked with JH on a website project you've likely heard the term "Wombat Juice".

Email Privacy is Changing
How will this impact your email marketing plans?The iOS 15 update is a big win for customer privacy, but will impact business' email marketing efforts.