Showing posts by 'Evan Sauers'

Animating Your Logo
Impact and ApplicationsLearn the importance of animating your logo and discover ways to utilize it to maximum potential.

Can You Spot These Common Mistakes in Ad Designs?
Test Your Ad Design KnowledgeSomething is not quite right in these ad designs that could negatively impact ad performance. Can you find them all?

Make the Logo Bigger
The Reasons Behind the RequestDesigners get asked this request far too often, but what is the real issue going on here?

A Guide to Brand Guides
With Real-World ExamplesLearn what a brand guide is, if you need one, what to include, and even how to distribute style guides.

Enhancing UX with Heat Maps
Using Heat Maps to Influence Design DecisionsHeat maps help identify problems with website structure by collecting metrics on user clicks, scrolling, and hovering.

A Client Guide to Wireframes
Website wireframes are an essential part of the project process. This quick guide will establish what they are, the types of wireframes, why we use them, and everything else you need to know about wireframing.

8 Questions Designers Ask Clients
And Why We Ask ThemIs the design discovery meeting something to dread?

Redesigning Product Packaging
Should you consider redesigning your product packaging?As a business owner, designer, marketing specialist, or any other position in a product-based business, how do you know if it is time to redesign your product packaging? What are design aspects to keep in mind when redesigning packaging?

Making Buttons Irresistible to Click
Buttons are a fundamental tool for users to perform actions on a website. But what consists of a button, and how can you make sure your buttons serve their purpose while providing the best possible results?

White Space Isn't Wasted Space
White space is a valuable tool for the organization and the effectiveness of your website. How are you using blank space?