Showing posts by 'The Keeper'

Marketing tips for your Small Business02 Gray Flag

Marketing tips for your Small Business

Many small businesses face the daunting task of trying to market their business, despite having limited time and an even more limited marketing budget.

Making the Impossible Possible !02 Gray Flag

Making the Impossible Possible !

Quick Turn & Custom Projects

Everyday we receive request for promotional product orders that to most seem impossible.

Internet fine tuning "The Early Years"02 Gray Flag

Internet fine tuning "The Early Years"

Think about the first 20 years of the telephone or radio or television, those years are with us again with the way the internet is developing.

The Creation of the Can Coolie02 Gray Flag

The Creation of the Can Coolie

We all remember the old style of bulky foam can holders, the ones designed to keep our beverages col ...

JH Specialty Inc a short story.02 Gray Flag

JH Specialty Inc a short story.

The story is simple but truly one that will hopefully inspire someone to go and follow their gut.

Magnets: A Promotional Tool02 Gray Flag

Magnets: A Promotional Tool

Once upon a time, the business card was king. As an identifier, as a trade tool, a way to get your b ...

Koozies Without Limits02 Gray Flag

Koozies Without Limits

As we head towards the summer months, time is quickly ticking away to find meaningful, creative prom ...

To Have and to Hold and to Make your Wedding Bold02 Gray Flag

To Have and to Hold and to Make your Wedding Bold

JH Specialty Inc., is mostly known for their nontraditional marketing techniques; however, our products are used for weddings too!

Benefits of an Effective Corporate Website02 Gray Flag

Benefits of an Effective Corporate Website

As our society is becoming more digital based, it is necessary for our clients to have a predominant presence on the Internet.

Through the Search Engines' Eyes02 Gray Flag

Through the Search Engines' Eyes

As more and more people are turning to the Internet, our clients want to take full advantage of the world wide web.