Showing posts under 'Website Launch'

Kingdom Builders Launches New Website02 Gray Flag

Kingdom Builders Launches New Website

Good, beautiful, and true, were words that our team pulled out of our first design meeting with Mary Jo Parrish, Founder & CEO of Kingdom Builders. According to Mary Jo, these words perfectly encapsulated the new redesign.

Website Pitfalls02 Gray Flag

Website Pitfalls

Don't let your website launch get delayed

Avoid letting these three things trip you up when creating a new website.

Crosby Excavating Launches New Website02 Gray Flag

Crosby Excavating Launches New Website

From template to custom

JH Specialty breaks ground on a responsive website for Crosby Excavating.

Ciocca Launches New Website02 Gray Flag

Ciocca Launches New Website

Ciocca Cleaning & Restoration turns to JH Specialty to redesign a cleaner looking website.

Story Telling Through Video02 Gray Flag

Story Telling Through Video

Camp Watcha-Wanna-Do Shares Camp Fun

If a picture says a thousand words, then a video must be a story.

ACRL Launches New Website02 Gray Flag

ACRL Launches New Website

Allen County Right to Life keeps events front and center in new secure website.

Small Town Dentist Gets New Online Presence02 Gray Flag

Small Town Dentist Gets New Online Presence

New Haven Family Dentistry Launches Website

NHFD has a new responsive website featuring staff photos and a welcoming video.

Buffalo Wings & Ribs New Website Launch02 Gray Flag

Buffalo Wings & Ribs New Website Launch

JH Specialty recently had the privilege of revamping their website for the second time since the partnership began in 2013.

Unboxing YLNI02 Gray Flag

Unboxing YLNI

New Website Launch

YLNI is feeling more passionate about their mission than ever before and in order to accomplish this, they knew they needed to give their online identity a face lift.

Keefer Printing Launches New Website02 Gray Flag

Keefer Printing Launches New Website

Five generations of printing history and excellence all wrapped into one new responsive website.